

Last week’s blog offered a two part definition of hip hop theater. This weeks blog is a discussion of the first part of that definition.

A work of hip hop theater rests on the four pillars of hip hop. They are:

  • MC
  • DJ.
  • Graffiti
  • Breakdancing

This can be agreed to by everyone. But what does it mean in practice?


Creating Hip Hop Theatre


Specifically, must every individual work of hip hop theater include each of these elements?

If the work is a musical, it is easy to see how the MC and DJ are included. Even breakdancing is not that much of a stretch.

But what about graffiti? And even if all elements are included, must other elements [of hip hop theater] also be included?

For example, when rock became a dominating musical genre, movie people rushed to include rock in their regular movie storytelling of “boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back” movies. Movies stayed the same, just with rock music.


What Do You Think?


So I ask you: could Frankie and Annette rap? Should the stories have more depth to them thematically? For example, must a theme of Social Justice always be inserted?

I would really like to know what you think.

And since I mentioned the Persley book last week I want to also recommend another book on hip hop theater: “Say Word,” an anthology by Daniel Banks, is another excellent read.

Let me hear your thoughts by commenting below – even better, send your scripts to


